Tag Archives: Giraffe

Walk tall like the GiRafFe!

Visit the giraffe at The Toronto Zoo

Visit the giraffe at The Toronto Zoo

The giraffe (Giraffa) is the tallest land-living animal! Males can reach up to 5.4 meters tall and weigh almost 4300 pounds! Giraffes live in the open savanna of Africa, along Kenya and Tanzania.

Did you know?

  • A giraffe’s neck is 1.5 meters long
  • A giraffe’s heart weighs up to 25 pounds and pumps about 60 liters of blood every minute!
  • A giraffe’s tongue is black and can extend up to almost 18 inches and is used to pluck leaves from trees

The giraffe is at risk in the wild because its habitat is vanishing. Poaching is a serious threat, as jewelry and fly swatters are made from the tail hairs. Whips, sandals, shield and drums are made from the hide and strings for musical instruments, bowstrings and thread are made from the tendons and leg muscles.

Visit the Giraffe at The Toronto Zoo

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Filed under African animals, Animals, Giraffe, Kids, Wildlife, Zoo animals